/Our-HistoryRock Creek Missionary Baptist Church History
1862 - 2019
- In the year of our Lord, 1862, one hundred and Fifty-seven years ago, a small group of believers in Christ Jesus, which included Bros. Webster Cartwell, Ned Head, and Tom Whitehead, felt the need for a place of worship. A series of meetings were held and by the Holy Spirit's guidance, the first church service was held under a brush harbor with Rev. Gilmore as elected pastor and above named brethren as first deacons.
- In 1886, twenty-four years later, the assembly moved to its present site in a wooded building on land donated by a white man named Ben Wright. At that time the land was given to Rock Creek's Colored deacons. The pastor at that time was Rev. Monroe Watts, who served for forty-three years. During his pastorate four deacons were ordained, Bros. Robert Morgan, Oscar Head, Jack Barrow, and Henry Smith, and an outside Baptismal Pool was built.
- In 1930, Rev. C. W. Wilder was called to replace Rev. Watts because of declining health. He served for a short time, and then Rev. N. T. Price finished out that year.
- In 1931, Rev. Joe Head was elected as pastor and served one year. Rev. C. W. Wilder returned in 1932 and served for eleven years. During his leadership, the building was renovated with a new roof. Three deacons were ordained, Bros. W.M. Head, Major Jackson, and Emmit McMullen along with Rev. J. Head being the first minister to be licensed and ordained to the ministry. During 1943, Rev. W. L. Weems was called. Under his seven year leadership, remodeling took place with the addition of a Pastor's Lounge. The first Usher Board and Choir were organized, with Bro. Tommie Stewart, Sr. being the only deacon to be ordained at that time.
- In 1950, Rev. Lindsey was called to serve as pastor for one year, with Bro. Williams E. Watts being licensed to preach. Rev. F. L. McClarity followed him in 1951, serving for a short time, with Rev. O. L. Jackson finishing the next five years. Under Rev. Jackson's leadership, electric lights were installed. Bros. John G. Stewart and Willie F. Smith were ordained as deacons.
- In 1956, Rev. H. Hall served as pastor for four years. During this time, Bros. Charlie L. Clark, Garfield Smith, Clemmie Adams, and Walter James Smith were ordained as deacons. In addition, Rev. William E. Watts was ordained into the ministry.
- In 1962, the church called Rev. St. John Clark. Under his leadership, a host of members were added, Junior Choir organized, and church renovations began. These included a remodeled loft, completion of the first unit and installations of inside restrooms. The deacons ordained included Bros. Charlie S. Thurman, W. M. Sidney, Tommie Stewart, Jr., and Charlie F. Thurman. In 1963, Charlie F. Thurman was licensed to preach. Rev. St. John Clark served as pastor for six years, resigning in 1968.
- In May 1969, Rev. Jacob Parker, was called to serve as Pastor. During his pastorate, the wooden structure was bricked, the corner stone was laid, and the sanctuary remodeled. This remodeling included new carpeting, new pulpit furniture, and the installation of a PA-System. Under Rev. Parker's eleven-year ministry, he also organized the J. Parker Gospel Choir, Deaconess Board, and initiated the observance of Family and Friend's Day. The church continued to grow and in 1975; Bro. Sam Otis Thurman, Bros. Robert L. Henderson, Earnest Head, and Ed Buckner were ordained as Deacons.
- In 1978, Rev. L. J. Huff was elected to serve as assistant to Rev. Parker. In October of 1980, Rev. Parker resigned, followed by the resignation of Rev. Huff in November 1981.
- In 1981, Rev. V. Huntley was called to serve as pastor. During his leadership, the Courtesy Guild was organized, walls were paneled and air conditioning was installed. In March, 1983, Rev. Huntley resigned.
- In September 1983, Rev. B. J. Virgil was called to serve as pastor. He was a God-fearing, inspiring man with a keen vision of progressive leadership. From this keen vision emerged the introduction of Tithes, Emergency Mission Fund, Pastor's Aide Society, Brotherhood of Zion League, Bible Study, Prayer Meeting/Fellowship Hour, Youth Christian Workshop, Reorganization of the Youth Department, Church Planning Council, Budget Committee, and first countywide Vacation Bible School. A church bus, memo-graph machine, and typewriter were purchased. The completion of the new church office along with the radio ministry, food bank, and newsletters wee added features. In addition, Ceressa Thurman became the first secretary at Rock Creek Baptist church. Under Rev. Virgil leadership, Rev. C. E. Norris and Tommie L. Stewart were ordained to the ministry on September 19, 1984. On September 15, 1985, Bro. Nathaniel Clark was ordained to the Deaconate.
- Our church continued to grow in love, spirit, knowledge, and membership as we entered 1986. Other accomplishments included the Sunbeam Choir, Missionary Society, remodeling of the front entrance of the church, new pews, and church steeple. The historical church bell was removed and stored. Rev. Virgil resigned as pastor on December 31, 1986.
- On June 23, 1987, Rev. Dante' Smith was called to serve as pastor and installed on October 18, 1987. During his pastorate, the following advancements were made which include revamping of the Department of Christian Education, the initiation of full time worship service in January, 1988, proposed plans for an educational building to include and inside Baptismal Pool, and a modern kitchen facility. He motivated the Christian giver in Tithes and Offerings, purchased a Xerox Copier, and increased the membership roll and rap session with emphasis on peer pressure and the importance of Christianity in the lives of youths. Thirteen young people were added to the membership roll.
- In 1988, under Rev. Smith's leadership, full time service was a reality. A Male Chorus, Gospel Choir, Usher Board #2, and Junior Usher Board were organized. The Sunday School was also re-organized with teachers and students. New furniture for Pastor's Study and water cooler was purchased. Nwabuexe Abaikam a foreign missionary from West Africa visited our church and gained support through pledges for the mission in Nigeria. Bros. Chester Shannon and Charlie Lee Stewart were added to the Deaconate in 1988.
- Rev. Robert L. Henderson, Sr. preached his trial sermon on December 17, 1988 and was licensed on December 18, 1988. On March 26, 1989, Rev. Henderson was ordained into the ministry.
- On the second Sunday in October 1990, Rev. Dante' T. Smith gave his resignation. He preached his last sermon on the second Sunday in December, 1990.
- In the year 1991, the church celebrated its 129th Church Anniversary without a pastor. Through a strong deacon board and faithful members by prayer and believing for God to send us a Shepherd, our church continued faith.
- In December 1991, Rev. J. W. Gibbons was called to serve as pastor. He preached his first soul-stirring sermon. He encouraged and inspired many through his anointed and gifted teaching of scripture and Bible truths. As a result, our Bible Study grew in knowledge as well as number.
- On May 2, 1993, we celebrated Pastor Gibbons' first anniversary and God blessed the church to be able to bless Rev. Gibbons with a brand new1993 Ford Taurus CL.
- On May 22, 1993 Bros. Thomas Head, Terry Henderson, Bernard Mayfield, Bernard Roberts, Alton Stewart, Emerson Thurman, and Tony Roberts were added to the Deacon Board. During Rev. Gibbons pastorage, Sis. Alice Head resigned as clerk, and Sis. Bertha Stewart became the church's clerk. Sis. Laurette Grier served as the financial secretary. In the year 1995, continuing under Rev. Gibbons' leadership, the church purchased 10 acres of land with a vision to build a new church. On the fourth Sunday in November 1995, Rev. Gibbons preached his final sermon as pastor of the Rock Creek Missionary Baptist Church.
- The church was once again without a pastor. Being true believers that God is the Head of the Church; the body continued in the name of Jesus. After much prayer, on July 13, 1996, the church called our own Rev. Robert L. Henderson, Sr., as pastor.
- On the first Sunday in September 1996, Rev. Henderson preached his first soul-stirring sermon as Pastor. We thanked God for sending this shepherd to a need flock with a vision of love, peace, joy, and spiritual growth in the Holy Spirit. A minister, preacher, and pastor committed and commissioned through his teaching of love to bring others to Christ that we in turn will reach out to the saved and unsaved and do likewise.
- Immediately after his call to pastor, Rev. Henderson began a full fledge Bible Study Ministry with record-breaking attendance. Under his spiritual leadership and guidance, many blessings were and are being realized.
- On November 16, 1996, after being asked if we wanted to raise our standards, a commitment was made and the purchase of a 33-passenger shuttle bus was the result. A Sunbeam Choir and Teenage Girls Outreach Ministry was formed. Pastor Henderson also initiated the following: business office built, computer purchased, tractor mower purchase, burglar bar doors installed, repairing of septic system, re-organization of the Brotherhood of Zion, and Children's Church and Senior Citizen Ministry were organized. Early morning service at 8:00am on 2nd and 4th Sundays we added to benefit those who worked on Sundays.
- The Vision continued through Pastor Henderson from God, to advance forward and visualize the new church. A 3.9-acre tract of land was purchased on the first week of April, 1997. Also, an architect using the pastor's vision, which includes a Parsonage and Family Center, drew up plans for the new church.
- On April 26, 1997, Bro. Charles Chandler was added to the Deacon Board, and on August 16, 1997, Bro. Henry Smith was added. The first Sunday in August, 1997, Pastor Henderson became full time pastor of Rock Creek Baptist Church. He retired from his job at Central Georgia EMC.
- On May 15, 1997, we celebrated our Pastor's and 1st Lady's 1st Anniversary Banquet at the recreation center with Rev. Dante' Smith preaching Stay on the Wall.
- December 21, 1997, several deacons were ordained as deacons and they were Bros. Henry Henderson, Jr., Robert Head, Broderick Stewart, Vincent Williams, John Williams, and Arthur Sims. Serving as secretaries were Sis. Ceressa Thurman, Sis. Nadine Roberts, Sis. Mary Williams, Sis. Geraldine Chandler, and Sis. Belinda Davis.
- Under the pastorate of Rev. Henderson the need for an inside Baptismal Pool and Sound Room became reality with the construction being completed by our own Bro. Sam Thurman, Rev. Henderson, and crew.
- History was made with our first Indoor Baptismal Service held on the first Sunday in January, 1998. Once again history was made with Sis. Angela Nelson, our first Caucasian member being baptized followed by three other candidates, Bro. Willie Mayfield, Bro. Jeremy Fears, and Bro. Earnest Sims.
- The Rock continued to progress in the year 1998 with our church becoming incorporated and our new sound booth being completed with video equipment purchased and ready for use. Our Pastor's vision for a track and baseball field was realized. Bradford Pear Trees were donated by the church and a shelter was built with foundation laid and poured by Bro. Charlie Clifford Watson assisted by many of the brethren in lying of the shingles. Lights were added and mounted by Rev. Henderson and Dea. Henry Smith. The baseball field was cleared by Bro. Earnest Pye with additional grading done by Rev. Henderson and several of the members using Pastor Henderson's equipment.
- The first unit of the church was given a face lift with new paint, blinds, curtains, pictures, carpet, and a steamtable with dishes donated and purchased by Sis. Priscilla Smith, Sis. Kate Stewart, and Dea. Charlie L. Stewart.
- The year of 1998 continued to be a year of blessings for the church and the vision. Two Caucasians, Bro. Ted McMichael donated $1,000.00 and Sis. Helen Willis donated $3,000.00 toward our building fund for the vision.
- In 1999, Bro Charles Cash and family donated the first piece of furniture on the 24th day of January.
- On February 27, 1999, Pastor Henderson did his first Caucasian's eulogy. The Harkness family made a donation toward the building fund because the Pastor refused payment for his service. Another blessing was realized with the purchase of a new 1999 15-passenger van. This was added to our 1998 purchased van and our 1996 33-passenger bus all enclosed in a newly constructed three-gate fence.
- As we continued in 1999, many new members had been added to the church family and many had re-dedicated their lives to God.
- On March 10, 1999, our Bible Study attendance was a record-breaking seventy-five. The usual prayer circle was impossible to form, thus leading to several circles with circles formed reaching all the way up the stairs and beyond.
- During Rev. Henderson's pastorate there have been many who have never spoken before a church body. They have been inspired through the word by the anointing of the Holy Spirit to take a bold stand and not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
- On May 16, 1999, we celebrated Rev. & Sis. Henderson's 3rd Pastoral Anniversary. They were blessed with a cruise to the Bahamas by Sis. Louise Stewart and family.
- Under the pastorate of Rev. Henderson new and bigger blessings were realized. In October 1999, Rock Creek hosted its first successful annual Career Day. A shed was donated: materials given by Whitaker Builders and contracted by Thurman Contractors.
- In November 1999, the foundation for the vision was laid by Roberts Brothers Construction. This completed the first phase of the vision coupled with a $13,000 turning lane mandated by the state.
- December 1999, marked the first annual lighting of the big tree in our beautiful cemetery. This tree shone over a thousand lights that could be viewed from GA highway 42. There were over 100 in attendance for the lighting and spiritual service.
- The year 2000 brought new and different challenges along with continued blessings. The first church service in the dark since electric lights was installed was held on the first Sunday in February due to a power outage. God still blessed us with a filled service in a cold dark building: a good reminder of where the Lord had brought us from.
- In June 2000, our affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention afforded us the blessing to have a fun filled church outing at the Flint River Camp in Griffin, Georgia.
- The Lord blessed us again through one of our visiting deacons whom we love dearly, Dea. Toby Williams built a beautiful white siding shed, which encloses the well of our new church site.
- In July 2000, as a result of our church being incorporated and affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the church took part in a two-day conference in Toccoa, Georgia. This conference was hosted and conducted by Rock Creek and China Grove Baptist Church as our guest. The theme was The Way to Healing and Recovery; When the Family and the Church Suffers from Disobedience and Abuse. This class was conducted by our own Dea. Henry Henderson, Jr. and Dea. Alton Stewart. The next class was Getting in the Right Order: Christ, The Family, and The Church. We were blessed through Dea. Fish from China Grove Baptist Church who conducted this class. This proved to be a blessed spirit filled fellowship on the mountain.
- May 2000, marked the second Pastor's Anniversary Banquet with Rev. Dante' Smith bringing the word of God.
- On May 21, 2000, the church was blessed to have the Rev. R. L. Henderson, Sr. as pastor for four years. This Shepherd has continued to show his love and appreciation for his sheep.
- The year 2000 and 2001 has continued to be a profitable year at the Rock both spiritually and structurally. The vision to build a new sanctuary is still alive and will be realized, but in the meantime this old structure has needed much repair and work. Many changes have been made to keep God's House from laying in waste. Larry Woodard and workers put a new roof on the old structure. A tile Vestibule was installed to replace the faded carpet. This new tile gave the entrance way a very welcoming look. There was other improvement made with the new gas heaters put in to replace the dangerous outdated ones. A new window replaced the old drafty one in the rear of the church.
- The Youth Department held their first successful bike-a-thon and carwash with pledges and prizes as an incentive with proceeds being donated to the Scholarship Fund.
- Spiritually, there were three added to the Ministerial Staff, and they were Minister Veronica Smith, Minister Doris Alexander, and Minister Gloria Whitmore. They also became members of the Rock Creek Church Family. Minister Doris Alexander preached her first public sermon under the leadership of Rev. R. L. Henderson, Sr. Many Sheep were added to this flock during the year 2000 and 2001.
- Minister Veronica Smith organized the Sisterhood Ministry. We pray that it will continue to be a blessing in the church family. Our music department was enlightened after receiving Sis. Ruby Nell Carter as director of all choirs and Minister Richard McMullen as Minister of Music. Dea. Thomas Head served as Deacon over this department.
- The Lord gave Pastor Henderson another vision for our basement unit. It was newly renovated with new cabinets, flooring, counter tops, all courtesy of Roberts Brothers Builders. The Gospel Choir donated a new refrigerator, which gave an added touch. This kitchen made a beautiful addition while we were in transition of moving to the New Church in the near future.
- Bro. Edgar Roberts a son of the church was called into the ministry. Rev. E. Roberts preached his first public sermon in June 2002.
- Our church continued to grow in members, grace, knowledge, understanding, and most of all love as we approached another year with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- In September 2002, a television tape ministry was activated with Rev. R. L. Henderson being viewed on channel 17. This ministry was on weekly.
- Sis. Geraldine Chandler was called into the ministry. Minister Geraldine Chandler preached her first public sermon at the Rock in October, 2003.
- In 2003, the vision of the New Church is being realized as the frame, walls, and the roof of the new building went up. The New Church has been completed roofed, bricked, and stained glass installed. With the vision of our Shepherd, Rev. Henderson and with the blessings from God we will eventually make the transition into our New Church. And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18
- In 2004, the Lord blessed the outreach ministry to bring words of encouragement through church services at the Hilltop Nursing Home in Forsyth, Georgia where the blessings of the Lord are continually growing.
- The Lord is building His temple of praise with the drying in of the new edifice of worship. A program was held honoring Rev. Ernest Colvin and Rev. H. L. Brown, who were general contractors overseeing the completion of the 2nd phase of our new church.
- Our senior citizens were blessed by their annual church trip taking them to Jacksonville, Florida God is still working a work in this body.
- We as a church family celebrated Lillie Hicks Day where a reunion was blessed by the persistence of love expressed through this church ministry bringing together a family separated for many, many years.
- The Christian Education Ministry rose to higher height in 2004 under the leadership of Sis. Patricia Henderson.
- August 2005, Sis. Bertha Stewart resigned as clerk and Sis. Shonta Bell became the church clerk.
- In September 2005, Minister Geraldine Chandler was ordained into the gospel ministry.
- The Lord has done it again. Our church family was blessed with godly favor and received financing to complete the final phase of construction of our new church sanctuary in September 2005. The final phase of construction began in October 2005.
- On the 3rd Sunday in October 2006, our church family was blessed to march into our new church home.
- On September 23, 2007, Dea. Terry Henderson was called into the ministry. On October 19, 2008, Minister Terry Henderson was ordained into the gospel ministry.
- On January 20, 2008, an ordination service was held for Bro. Benny James and Bro. Joseph Boynton as deacons.
- On February 10, 2008, God chose to seek out one whom he had ministered to and led to come into this fold and join the Rock Creek Church family. He chose Rev. Lott along with his wife, Sis Lott.
- In July 2008, 4th Sunday, Deacon Charles Shannon was reinstated on the Rock Creek Deacon Board.
- January 4, 2009, church service changed to 8:45 a.m., for Sunday School and 10:00 a.m. for Morning Worship each Sunday.
- On May 5, 2009, Deacon Thomas Head had our 1st annual scholarship car show. The Lord is still blessing us.
- On September 5, 2011, under Rev. R.L. Henderson, Sr., leadership Minister Robin Ingram was added to the gospel ministry. She came and graced us with her presence and knowledge about the Word of God.
- On May 13, 2012, Minister Anita Harps joined our gospel ministry with her soul on fire for the Lord.
- And they were bringing children to Him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. (Mark 10:13-16ESV)
- In our endeavor to provide training for our children so that when they grow up they will not depart, our church implemented our first summer camp on June 4, 2012. The children were able to participate in activities and field trips centered toward fellowship, teaching of the word, and being able to expand their horizons academically. Fathers, do not provoke our children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4 ESV
- On July 22, 2012, Minister Vickie Sands, a God fearing woman joined our gospel ministry. Rev. Henderson, being the leader that he is received her under his wings and began teaching her to become a leader. Matthews 27:19-20 says, Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen.
- Four men who were in God's will decide to not only be hearers of the word, but doers of the word. So they were taught, led and given the assignment of becoming apostles for Christ. Acts 6:3 says, Therefore brethren, seek out among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, which we may appoint over the business. But we will be giving ourselves continually to prayer and to this ministry of the word. On July 19, 2012, the four men that were bestowed this honor in becoming Deacons of our beloved church were: Brothers Thomas Douglas, Stanley Hendricks, Eddie Roberts and Tony Sidney.
- Deacon Daniel, along with his wife Gwen came to be a part of our church family under watch care. He is a man of respect, honor admiration, love and affections of God's people. On July 29, 2012, Deacon Daniel joined the Deacon Board at Rock Creek.
- God gave Rev. Henderson a vision on our 150th Anniversary, which led to a Brush Harbor Pre-Anniversary Celebration. In preparing for this Brush Harbor it took a lot of work and dedication to get it built.
- On October 13, 2012, we had our first pre-Anniversary Carnival where each auxiliary had a booth with things to sell and Sis. Belinda Davis served as Chairperson. Deacon Curtis Gaye was the Speaker. He talked to us on our history of 150 years. The Lord blessed us to have about 200-250 people that day. The church was blessed spiritually and financially.
- We had donations of wires from an electrical company. Robert's Heating and Air donated the wiring for the Brush Harbor. Mike Peter�??????????�?????????�????????�???????�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?Ts Electric Company donated its time and commitment to wire up the Brush Harbor. The men of Rock Creek that labored faithfully on building this Brush Harbor to represent the Brush Harbor 150 years ago are: Rev. Henderson, Deacon Henry Smith, Deacon Emerson Thurman, Brother Donald Smith, Brother Wilmer Webb, Brother Randy Pye, Brother Robert Henderson, Jr., and Brother Robert Holder.
- The expensive materials were donated by one of our dedicated and faithful members to build this Brush Harbor. Rev. Eric Clemmons did the painting and Deacon Tony Sidney put a tin roof on the Brush Harbor so that it will last for years to come.
- Now here we are 150 years later. We started with a Brush Harbor in 1862 and 150 years later, we have a Brush Harbor newly built. God is still blessing us.
- We began special offerings with Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry and Usher's Ministry in December, 2012. At this time, we also began serving meals each Sunday in our commercial kitchen. Our kitchen was named Southern Grove.
- On the 5th Sunday in July 2013, Dee Sidney preached his 1st public sermon.
- On October 11, 2014, we held our 3rd Annual Church Anniversary Carnival.
- On November 30, 2014, Minister Anita Harps, Minister Vickie Sands and Minister Dee Sidney were ordained into the Gospel Ministry.
- On January 1, 2015, Jubilee Day was held at Rock Creek for the first time. This event is sponsored each year by the NAACP.
- On October 10, 2015, we held our 4th Annual Church Anniversary Carnival with 2 carnival rides, horses, bouncers and 8 auxiliary booths. We were again blessed spiritually and financially.
- On Sunday, November 1, 2015, we began having Youth Service. This continued on every 1st Sunday at 7:45a.m. until September, 2016.
- On January 1, 2016, Jubilee Day was once again held at Rock Creek with a record number in attendance.
- 1st Sunday in September was our Pastor, Rev. Robert L. Henderson's 20th year as pastor of Rock Creek. We continue to thank and praise God for the spiritual leadership and guidance through this anointed man of God.
- In July 2017, a new metal roof was installed on the church by Whitaker Builders. A loan was obtained from United Bank to pay the cost of the roof installation.
- On October 8, 2016, we held our 5th Annual Church Anniversary Carnival in conjunction with a job fair.
- On October 14, 2017, we held our 6th Annual Church Anniversary Carnival with rides, auxiliary booths, horses, and a new concession stand built and donated by Pastor Henderson.
- In September 2018, Pastor Henderson and Henderson and Son, Inc. renovated the softball and track field and built a bridge between the pavilion and softball field. Fencing was also donated by Lady Fence Company in Stockbridge, GA for the softball field and labor cost to install the fencing was donated by Pastor Henderson.
- On October 2018, we held our 6th Annual Church Anniversary Carnival with two rides, booths, game truck, live entertainment, and games for kids and adults. It was once again a great success with fun and fellowship for our members and friends from the community.
- On August 19, 2019, the Lord blessed us to pay off the roof loan at United Bank.
- On October 12, 2019, we held our 7th Annual Church Anniversary Carnival with one carnival ride, several game booths, game truck, laser tag, live entertainment, and plenty of Christian fun for kids and adults. It was once again a huge success. We thank God for the continuous support from our members and friends from the community.
- On October 13, 2019, three new deacons were ordained at Rock Creek. The newly ordained deacons are: Dea. Thomas Clark, Dea. Vincent Ellis, and Dea. Terry Smith.
- We thank God for continuously blessing us to win souls for him. We continue to stand on our mission: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.